Friday, November 8, 2013

Oceanside Library - No Idle Moments for Literacy Assistant

No Idle Moments for Literacy Assistant
Oceanside READS: Sep 2013

Some call her Demetra, others Dee.  Still others, Ms. Wilkerson.  But those who know Demetra Wilkerson well must surely also call her versatile.

In addition to the 19 hours a week she works as the literacy assistant at READS, where she has a variety of responsibilities, she has a full- time job at Marriott Hotels & Resorts, where she is a guest service associate.

At READS, besides various clerical duties, Demetra has been tutoring tutors on the use of newly acquired iPads and how they can be used as teaching tools.  She also has been put in charge of the Books & Bagels book discussion group.  And she tutors a student twice a week.  READ MORE !

Putting the iPad to Work

Among the apps downloaded to READS iPads for the benefit of tutors and students are a Literacy Skills Sampler which, Literacy Assistant Demetra Wilkerson says, is “useful for visual explanations of words” and Abby Word Search, “a fun little tool for sight words.”  Also on the tablets are ABC Magic Reading which “will provide meaningful challenges to strengthen your student’s phonemic awareness” and Cambridge Phrasal Verbs Machine which provides visual stimulation in a circus world setting with the Amazing Phraso.

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