Easy English Times
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that many schools and libraries are still closed due to COVID-19. Our print
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Instant Activity: Conversation
Are you home watching more TV?
Talking about television
I. Getting warmed up
Almost everyone watches television.
Different people enjoy different programs. Interview your partner and discover
your partner’s taste in American TV shows.
1. What are your favorite television programs
these days? Why do you like them?
2. Where do you usually watch television?
When do you usually watch it?
3. Which channels so you watch the most?
Do you have a favorite?
4. Is there an American or British TV
series that you try to watch every week? Which one?
5. What television programs do you like
to watch with your family?
II. Paraphrasing proverbs
1. Out of sight, out of mind. --American
2. In the kingdom of hope, there is no
winter. --Russian
3. Fame is a magnifying glass. --English
III. Discussing quotations: Do you agree
or disagree with the quotations below?
1. “When television is good, nothing is
better. When it’s bad, nothing is worse.”
--Nicholas Johnson (1934- ), former U.S.
Federal Communications Commission chairman
2. “I find television very educational.
Every time someone switches it on, I go into another room and read a good
--Groucho Marx (1890-1977), American
actor, comedian, musician, and writer
IV. Search and share
Search the Internet for a video in English
taken from a current television show. Here are some websites which might be
useful to visit:
Choose a video segment, watch it two
times, and be prepared to discuss it with your classmates or tutor. It’s not
necessary to watch more than ten minutes.
Answer these questions:
1. What is the show about?
2. Can you describe one or two of the
main characters?
3. Where and when does the show take
place? Is it set in our world in a fictional world?
Be counted
Easy, easy English
A salute to nurses
Student writing
Bear hunt
Instant Activities
Readability Consensus
Based on (7) readability formulas:
Grade Level: 6
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 10-11 yrs. olds
(Fifth and Sixth graders)