Showing posts with label Paragraphs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paragraphs. Show all posts

Friday, May 28, 2021

Paragraphs: Give Us a Break! ▬ Teach Write

Paragraphs: Give Us a Break!

Teach Write: 1.17.2018 by Jennifer Laffin

I’d like to try a little experiment. Please read the following two passages.

   Passage #1:

   Passage #2:

Now that you've read both passages, think about the following questions:

➤ Which passage was easier to read? 

 Which passage was easier to understand? 

 How did you feel after reading both passages?

If you are like me, you found the second passage easier to read and understand. Why? Because it had paragraphs.

Using paragraphs correctly is an important skill for all writers because it makes the reader’s job much easier and more pleasant.

Paragraphs exist to give the readers’ eyes a rest and a few seconds to process what they’ve read before they start the next line. Paragraphs signal that a change is coming.

 They tie common sentences together in one neat little area.

 Readers expect them. Readers need them. When they are missing, it is noticed.

 But how do writers know when to start a new paragraph?

Use the New-New Rule:


Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 6
Reading Level: easy to read.
Reader's Age: 10-11 yrs. old
(Fifth and Sixth graders)