Friday, May 9, 2014

Los Angeles Public Library: It's a Match

It’s a Match Part 1
LAPL Adult Literacy Services
READ Newsletter: Spring 2014

Carol’s Story By Tutor Carol Camus-Niwa
I love working with Maria, because she’s a lot like me! She’s always on time, does all her homework, and is very smart and ambitious. She’s the “supermom” with two children still living at home, (one with special needs), who makes sure her kids are being properly tended to at school and at home, and for that she needs the poise of being able to speak and write confidently and correctly to administrators, teachers and therapists.

After retiring from teaching English as a Second Language in adult school, I spent most of my leisure time reading, which I’ve always loved, riding bicycles, hiking, and having lunch with my “old-lady” friends; but teaching was always a pleasure for me, never seemed like work. I found out about the literacy program at a library one day and, as they say, the rest is history. The books we are given to work within the literacy program put a lot of emphasis on grammar and syntax for native speakers, but Maria is not a native speaker, so we supplement our materials with “ESL” books, which break things down into past, present and future . . .

Maria’s Story By Learner Maria Anguiano

One thing I like about my class is that we meet at a convenient time, when my children are at school. My teacher has a lot of patience with me, because there are many things I don’t understand. I have learned a lot in the last nine months since we started working together. When I read to my kids, my pronunciation is better and I understand the stories I read to them because I understand some of the ways that indicate past, present and future. I can recognize more words now.  READ MORE !

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