Sunday, July 3, 2016

Altadena Library :: Bob Lucas Memorial Branch Summer Reading Opportunities

Bob Lucas Memorial Branch
Summer Reading Opportunities
Connect: June 2016 Altadena Library, From the Director

Summer is shining its rays upon us and we welcome patrons of all ages to join our summer reading program. Last year, due to popular demand, the summer reading program for adults was brought back for the second year in a row. At the Branch we had 19 adults sign up for the summer reading program and half the adults that signed up were our adult literacy students! Many of our literacy students strive to improve their reading skills and the summer reading program is a great opportunity to do so and win prizes at the same time. Many of our literacy students are learning English and take this opportunity to try out reading an English book. Otherwise, they can also participate by reading a book in their own native language.  That counts too!

Also just in time for the summer, we are implementing an interactive online learning program called Reading Horizons. Reading Horizons gives our learners the opportunity to cover 68 interactive lessons, common word lessons, vocabulary, and 280 reading passages to practice reading fluency and comprehension, along with skill-based games. Tutors and our staff can also monitor the progress of the learners with this system.

Reading Horizons is something that can be used by many of our beginning adult learners to address specific literacy needs. For example, our ESL class can use the phonics decoding method from Reading Horizon to breakdown the sounds, spelling and reading of a word. Another example is that a learner working with a tutor can use the comprehension reading exercises for more advanced reading skills.

If you’re an adult or know an adult who is interested in learning to read and improve their English with our new Reading Horizons tools, let us know and we’ll be happy to help. Please contact us at: or 626-798-8338.

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