Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sep 27 :: Voter Registration Day :: Easy Voter Guide

Easy Voter Guide
November 2016 Election
in English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Korean!

Your county elections office will mail you a Voter Guide with a Sample Ballot that lists everything you can vote on, including candidates for local government offices.

Visit Voters Edge to see what will be on your ballot.
It’s easy. Just enter your home address.

• You are eligible to vote if you are a U.S. citizen, 18 years or older.
• You must register to get on the official list of voters in your county.
The deadline to register is October 24 to vote on November 8 !
• You can pick up a voter registration form at your library or post office, have a registration form mailed to you by calling 1-800-345-8683, or fill out the form online at Register To Vote California.
• It is important to fill out the form completely. You will be asked to include your driver license number or other identification.
• Once you are on the list, you only need to re-register if you change your address, change your name, want to change your political party, or because you are no longer in prison or on parole for a felony.

Voting for Proposed Laws (Propositions) California voters will also make decisions on 17 proposed state laws (propositions).
51: Bonds for School Facilities
52: Private Hospital Fees for Medi-Cal
53: Public Vote on Revenue Bonds
54: Changes to the Legislative Process
55: Extend Tax on High Income
56: Tobacco Tax
57: Parole, Sentencing and Court Procedures
58: English Language Education
59: Political Spending Advisory Question
60: Condoms in Adult Films
61: Prescription Drug Costs
62: Repealing the Death Penalty
63: Gun and Ammunition Sales
64: Making Recreational Marijuana Legal
65: Money from Carry-Out Bags
66: Death Penalty Court Procedures
67: Plastic Bag Ban n Proposition

Other Links

An encyclopedia of American politics and elections covering local, state and federal politics.
Can I Vote
Can I Vote helps people find information about U.S. elections in all 50 states, such as registration deadlines and guidelines regarding absentee voting.
A nonpartisan site displays tweets that were published and then deleted by local and national U.S. politicians and presidential candidates.

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