Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Redlands Library ▬ Adult Literacy Program Celebrates Learner-Led Book Club!

Adult Literacy Program Celebrates Learner-Led Book Club!

Tuesdays with Morrie

Redlands Reads: July 2020

Adult learners Martha Romo and Tanya Jauregui are leading the adult literacy program’s first learner-led book club. When asked why she would like to start a book club for adult learners, Tanya shared that book clubs provide an opportunity for “like-minded individuals to help and encourage each other, give everyone confidence, and build community.” Martha sees the book club as an opportunity for learners to lose their fear of reading without the support of their tutors.

Both learners know the power of reading. Martha shared that “every little thing you read opens your mind to new ideas or to better answers in your life.” Likewise, Tanya said, “Reading gives essential nutrients to the brain and helps to expand life’s journey.” The book club met for the first time only a few days prior to the library’s closure due to Covid-19.

The book club’s inaugural book was Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom, chosen by Tanya and Martha for its themes of friendship and compassion. Book club participants were fortunate to be able to get to know one another in person at this meeting. By the time the second book club discussion took place in May, the community was under stay-at-home orders and the meeting took place through Zoom.  READ MORE ➤➤


To learn more, join us at a Zoom Tutor Orientation.

Please call the Redlands Adult Literacy Program office at 909.798.7565, ext. 4138 or email literacy@akspl.org to sign up for the Orientation or if you have any questions.

Readability Consensus
Grade Level: 10
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 14-15 yrs. old
(Ninth to Tenth graders)

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