Thursday, April 7, 2022

Ventura Co Library ▬ New Year, New Team !

New Year, New Team ! 

Ventura County Library
READ Program
Ventura County READER: Winter 2022

VCL’s READ Adult Literacy program is welcoming 2022 with a team of new tutors who are ready to partner with adults wanting to improve reading and writing skills. READ’s dedicated staff will work to connect you to the right resource that’s perfect for your needs. If you, or someone in your community, wants to practice reading and writing, call (805) 677-7160 and share your literacy goals. Tutoring is free, fun, and totally online.

Did you know that you can finish high school for free though VCL’s Career Online High School (COHS)? COHS offers adults the opportunity to earn an accredited high school diploma and career certificate online. A limited number of scholarships are available to qualified adults looking to advance their careers, prepare for workforce entry, or continue their education — apply online today: /adults/career-online-high-school.

READ is welcoming a new manager in 2022. Antonio Apodaca is now heading the program as Education, Outreach, and Literacy Manager. He is taking over for Carol Chapman, who retired after 17 years of providing excellent educational services to the community. Antonio looks forward to continuing to share the love of reading—contact him anytime by email or phone (805) 218-3821. READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 11
Reading Level: difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 15-17 yrs. old
(Tenth to Eleventh graders)


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