Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Upland Library :: Trivia and Silent Auction :: Nov 16

Trivia and Silent Auction
Upland Library Adult Literacy
November 16
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Rescue Brewing Co.

Are you looking for a rewarding way to volunteer in your community while helping an adult improve their life? Volunteering at the Upland Public Library’s Adult Literacy Program is a wonderful way to offer service to your city. The Adult Literacy Program provides free, private, one-on-one tutoring for adults seeking assistance in improving reading and writing skills. After an initial interview, the adult learner is matched with a volunteer-tutor and they meet once or twice a week at the Upland Public Library. Adult learners set their own goals based on their needs. Here are some of the areas where our specially trained tutors can help:

            Tutoring for the GED or citizenship test.
            Reading and writing improvement
            Comprehension and spelling improvement

Since its start in 1989, the completely grant-funded Adult Literacy Program has successfully impacted the lives of over 1,000 individual adult learners with the help. For more information, or to volunteer as a tutor, please contact the Literacy Coordinator at (909) 931-4211.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Los Angeles Public Library :: Enfoque en la alfabetización: un sueño hecho realidad

Enfoque en la alfabetización: un sueño hecho realidad
LAPL Blog: 8.07.2019 by Randall Hinson, Librarian, Office of Education and Literacy

En julio del año pasado, tres estudiantes emprendieron su camino hacia la alfabetización a través de Leamos, un programa de alfabetización a base de computadora, en la Biblioteca Pacoima. Leamos provee a hispanohablantes, quienes no tuvieron la oportunidad de asistir a la escuela en su niñez, un curso de lectura y escritura en su idioma nativo. También los capacita en nociones básicas del uso de la computadora y sirve como precursor a clases de inglés como segundo idioma.

Nueve meses después de comenzar el curso, dos estudiantes aplicadas y trabajadoras siguen trabajando hacia su sueño de poder leer y escribir. La Sra. Ana Teresa Batrez y la Sra. Silvia Barahona García llegan a la biblioteca cada lunes, por dos horas, a reforzar y extender sus conocimientos. Hasta la fecha, han leído textos de todo tipo - incluyendo: libros infantiles, titulares de periódicos, solicitudes de empleo, etiquetas de comida y medicina, pistas de crucigramas, horóscopos y reflexiones de estudiantes que han cumplido el curso.

La meta de Ana es escribir la historia de su vida, la cual ha sido un triunfo sobre la adversidad, para compartir con otros e inspirarlos. Silvia quisiera usar su alfabetización para avanzar en su trabajo y ser reconocida como la persona capaz que es. Cada una de ellas está modelando para sus hijos y/o nietos la importancia de perseguir un sueño y mantenerse en curso. No cabe decir que también han sido una fuente de inspiración para sus maestros.

Focus On Literacy: A Dream Come True
Randall Hinson , Librarian , Office of Education and Literacy

In July last year, three students embarked on their path to literacy through Leamos, a computer-based literacy program, at the Pacoima Library. Leamos provides Spanish speakers, who did not have the opportunity to attend school in their childhood, a reading and writing course in their native language. It also trains them in basic notions of computer use and serves as a precursor to English as a second language classes.

Nine months after starting the course, two applied and hardworking students continue working towards their dream of being able to read and write. Mrs. Ana Teresa Batrez and Mrs. Silvia Barahona García arrive at the library every Monday, for two hours, to reinforce and extend their knowledge. To date, they have read texts of all kinds - including: children's books, newspaper headlines, job applications, food and medicine labels, crossword clues, horoscopes and reflections of students who have completed the course.

Ana's goal is to write the story of her life, which has been a triumph over adversity, to share with others and inspire them. Silvia would like to use her literacy to advance her work and be recognized as the capable person she is. Each of them is modeling for their children and / or grandchildren the importance of pursuing a dream and staying on course. It cannot be said that they have also been a source of inspiration for their teachers.  READ MORE >>

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Huntington Beach Library :: Wine & Words FUNraiser :: Nov 8

Wine and Words
November 8
6:30-10 pm
Key Note Speaker ::  Lisa See

Literacy Volunteers - HBPL, was founded by Linda D. Light in 1984. This group of outstanding people is the volunteer arm of the Huntington Beach Library Adult Literacy Program. The library staff trains volunteers to tutor adults in reading and writing. The staff evaluates students and matches them with trained tutors. Prospective students must speak English. Our students say the program helps them be better parents, improve their work skills, and have better lives.

More than 400 students and tutors currently participate in the program, and tutors are always needed. Literacy Volunteers - HBPL, an accredited affiliate of ProLiteracy America, is run by a 15-member Board of Directors.

We have two programs, the Adult Literacy Program at Central Library (714) 375-5102 and the Oak View Literacy Program at the Oak View Branch Library (714) 375-5104. We always need tutors!

Next Literacy Tutor Training
January 23, 2020
Also: Jan 30, Feb 6, Mar 26
6:00pm - 8:30pm
Completion of online Tutor Orientation prior to enrollment is required.
Contact the Literacy office at Central, 714.375.5102 or literacy@surfcity-hb.org for more information.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Ventura Co Library :: Trivia - Battle of the Brains :: Nov 6

Trivia Night
Battle of the Brains
November 6, 6:00 pm
The Tower Club

Get ready to test your smarts!
Opportunity Drawing, fun prizes!
Audience tickets $10
Includes hors d'oeuvres

To participate, sponsor a team, or for more information (805) 677-7160

Our mission is to help adults improve reading and writing skills so that they perceive positive impact on their lives in such areas as self-esteem, employment, family life, and community involvement.

Become a volunteer
Display a READ Program poster at work
Include READ Program information in your office or church newsletter.
Invite READ Program staff to speak at your meetings.
Make a donation. Gifts are gratefully accepted and promptly acknowledged.

For more information about how you can support literacy and make a difference in someone's life, call (805) 677-7160.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Healthy Living: Reading Activities for Healthy Choices via The READ Center

Healthy Living
Healthy Living: Reading Activities for Healthy Choices
Jennifer Goldberg, Nausha Brown-Chavez, Sarah Ramirez

The health literacy stories are designed to develop reading, writing, and reasoning skills in adults students, The stories emphasize learning to read about health topics, developing vocabulary, comprehension, and writing skills.


1. Health Professionals
2. Emergencies
3. Self-Care and Non-Emergency Care
4. Preventative Care: Regular Check Ups and Making an Appointment
5. Talking to Professionals
6. Forms
7. Tests and Medications
8. Medications
9. Medications (drugs and alcohol)
10. Nutrition and Exercise

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Southern California & Statewide Literacy & Library Events :: November 2019

Southern California & Statewide Literacy & Library Events
November 2019

Literacy & Library Events & Conferences
- Local, California and National –
Southern California Library Literacy Network
for more information
Southern California & California

Nov 01              Author's Day
Nov 01              National Family Literacy Day
Nov 03              International Games Week
Nov 04              Global Read Aloud Your Choice!
Nov 04+           Children's Book Week  Read Now Read Forever
Nov 07              Read For The Record - Thank You, Omu!
Nov 15              I Love To Write Day
Nov 18              American Education Week
Nov 19              LERN Conference San Diego CA
Nov 23              The Public Screening & Discussion Santa Monica Library 1:30p
Nov 23              Tellabration (Sat before Thanksgiving) Have the Talk of a Lifetime
Nov 24              Orton-Gillingham Associate Level Course Pasadena
Nov 28              The Great Listen 2019

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

California Book Festivals & Events :: November 2019

California Book Festivals & Events :: November 2019
Books, Comics, Poetry, Storytelling, Writing and More !

Nov 2                    Author Fair El Segundo Library
Nov 2                    Fall Book Fair San Bernardino Public Library
Nov 2                    Monterey Cowboy Poetry & Music Festival
Nov 2-17              San Luis Obispo Poetry Festival
Nov 7                    Read For The Record:: Thank You, Omu!
Nov 7-10              Loomis Cowpoke Gathering
Nov 8-9                Storytelling Community Conference Petaluma
Nov 16-17            Poetry Weekend Menlo Park
Nov 22-Dec 22    Jewish Book Month
Nov 23                 Tellabration (Sat before Thanksgiving) Have the Talk of a Lifetime