Thursday, December 25, 2008

At 70, the joy of writing holiday letters for first time

At 70, the joy of writing holiday letters for first time
RecordNet: Dec 20, 2008 by Tony Sauro

Joe Valles already has received a joyful Christmas gift. The 70-year-old Stockton resident finally was able to write a letter to his 9-year-old granddaughter in Crawley, Texas.

"It feels great," said Valles, a retired longshoreman who was able to achieve his goal after being tutored weekly since June in the Stockton-San Joaquin County Library's adult literacy program. "I'm confident in my writing."

Valles proudly is sending Christmas cards to all nine of his grandchildren. "Our goal was for him to write his first letter by Christmas," said Christina Cordova, 42, a Stockton mother of four who was Valles' tutor at Cesar Chavez Central Library. "It's the first letter he's ever written. It's so awesome. My kids think it's awesome, too. We wanted him to be able to read his own prescription labels, checks and mail."

"She gave me lots of homework," said Valles, whose wife of 42 years, Angelina, an Edison High School graduate, also encouraged him.

"It's funny," he said. "I kidded around, saying I was gonna write a book as soon as I learn to write."

Valles met Cordova when he took his 8-year-old granddaughter, Isabella, to a swimming lesson.

Valles, a father of three who was born in Chihuahua, Mexico, moved to Stockton with his migrant farm worker family when he was four. He only finished the third grade.

"I could read, more or less a little bit, but I couldn't write," Valles said. "Now I can read the newspaper, but I've still got a lot to learn. I thought I could never do this."

He's an inspiring example of what such literacy programs can achieve.

"The program is going good," said Anne Turner, a library assistant in the literacy and outreach department at Cesar Chavez. "It's evolving. We're seeing progress. It's been great. We're getting more students and tutors, but we would like more volunteers." READ MORE

Monday, December 22, 2008

Orange Co Library - A Warm Goodbye from Marcia Tungate

A Warm Goodbye from Marcia Tungate
Read Writes Newsletter: Dec 08/Jan 09

Wasn’t I the lucky one?

For the past 26 years I have had the privilege to work with some of the most courageous, dedicated, committed, and fun people that ever gathered for a purpose. I am talking about all of you.

You, the learners, who faced your difficulties and stepped forward to improve your lives, and the lives of your families, by improving your literacy skills. You have allowed the rest of us an opportunity to share in your successes by your bravery, your hard work, and your (sometimes) stubborn commitment. You teach all of us how to face our fears and step into a new way of living. I thank you so much.

You, the tutors, who sat through the long days of intense training so you could make the tutoring experience a joyful and successful one for the learners. You have been willing to work in the branches, restaurants, coffee shops, parks, and jails to serve your community. I know you each feel such a bond with your learners, and would face down dragons if necessary.

What Works Clearinghouse - WWC

What Works Clearinghouse - WWC

Established in 2002, the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) is a central and trusted source of scientific evidence for what works in education. An initiative of the U.S. Department of Education's Institute of Education Sciences:

~ Produces user-friendly practice guides for educators that address instructional challenges with research-based recommendations for schools and classrooms

~ Assesses the rigor of research evidence on the effectiveness of interventions (programs, products, practices, and policies), giving educators the tools to make informed decisions

~ Develops and implements standards for reviewing and synthesizing education research

~ Provides a public and easily accessible registry of education evaluation researchers to assist schools, school districts, and program developers with designing and carrying out rigorous evaluations.

What’s New

Houghton Mifflin: Invitations to Literacy Intervention Report Released (Dec 16)
This new Beginning Reading report looks at "Houghton Mifflin: Invitations to Literacy", an integrated K–8 reading and language arts program that is structured around themes and aims to stimulate, teach, and extend communication and thinking skills.

Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing (LiPS) Report Released (Dec 16)
The "Lindamood Phonemic Sequencing (LiPS)", formerly called the "Auditory Discrimination in Depth [ADD]" program, has been updated to include reviews of 12 studies that have been released since 2005.

Friday, December 19, 2008

National City Library - The WOWmobile (Words on Wheels)

The WOWmobile (Words on Wheels)

The WOWmobile Literacy Program delivers family literacy services to hard to reach families & care providers with children ages 0-5 years old. Books and materials for children and parents are available as well as crafts; games; puppet shows; stories; health referral services; and family literacy workshops.

Project Partners

National City Collaborative
National School District
Children's Hospital
San Diego County Children and Families Commission
San Diego County Health and Human Services

Project Highlights

Workshops have been presented on parenting skills, lead poisoning, immunization requirements, school readiness preparation, health care enrollment and asthma.

Workshop presenters have included Parents As Teachers educators, Children's Hospital Nurse Practitioners, County Health Nurse Practitioners and Community Outreach Workers, American Lung Association Health Educators, and National School District staff.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Newport Beach Library - Literacy Services Celebrates with Holiday Potluck and Annual Meeting

Literacy Services Celebrates
with Holiday Potluck and Annual Meeting
Literally Speaking-NBPL Literacy Services: Winter 2008

Saturday, December 6th, was a day of celebration for many tutors, learners, and volunteers along with their friends and families. It was a full morning that began with a “Getting to Know You” mixer and an efficiently conducted annual meeting where bylaws were amended and five new board members were voted in. (Welcome to Kristi Chezum-Dougherty, Nancy Englebrecht, Tara Netherton, Amy Tan, and Nancy Thompson.)

Cherall Weiss, Literacy Coordinator for the program, spoke inspirationally about the many accomplishments of our learners, such as voting for the first time, improving their current employment, and reading aloud to their children or grandchildren. All this would not be possible without the generosity of all the tutors and volunteers who give so freely of their energy and time, more than 7000 hours in the 2007/8 fiscal year.

Jim Tracy, an Advisory Board member for 6 years, was named 2008 Volunteer of the Year. Among other things, Jim has used his time and talents to ensure regulato
ry compliance for the program as well as fiscal responsibility. He and the other outgoing board members will be missed. As usual, the food at the potluck was tremendous - many thanks to all who contributed.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Press-Enterprise: December 3, 2008 by Diane A Rhodes

For more than five years, the monthly Doing Literature program at the Hemet Public Library has attracted a steady stream of readers to its informal discussion series.

A few years ago, Raymond Rodgers was offered the group's hosting duties by the exiting Dr. Paul Obler.

"I accepted because it is so very important that we do what we can to preserve and promote literature in a world of waning interest in reading," said Rodgers, 78. "I have been reading since I was 4, and it is a major aspect of whatever it is that is me."

On Dec. 13, Rodgers, a part-time English and literature instructor at Mt. San Jacinto College, will offer "Hard Times" by Charles Dickens as the topic of discussion.

Although reading the book is not a requirement of participation, Rodgers said most attendees are avid readers who enjoy the selections.

There is no charge to attend the meetings, which are held on the second Saturday of each month from September through June. Meetings are from 10:30a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the downstairs conference room of the library at 300 E. Latham Ave., Hemet.

"The library provides the space and administrative support and the program is conducted by unpaid volunteers under the library's literacy program," Rodgers said.

The library tries to provide extra copies of the books for participants to check out. Information: 951-765-2440. READ MORE

Friday, December 12, 2008

Economic Stimulus Package Must Provide Funds for Adult Literacy and Basic Education !

Economic Stimulus Package Must Provide Funds for Adult Literacy and Basic Education !
ProLiteracy - Action Alert: Dec 2008

Adult learners, especially those at the lowest literacy level, often struggle to make ends meet when the economy is strong. They are especially hard hit during times of economic recession.

Adult learners must have the necessary reading, writing, math, computer, and English-language skills to get jobs and keep them. Any economic stimulus bill that Congress considers must include money for programs that help adults gain these skills.

Tell your representatives and your Senators that there must be economic stimulus money for adult literacy and basic education programs !

Send an E-mail - Write a Letter - Call Your Representative Today !- sample letter from ProLiteracy - Check Out the 100 Day Plan @

I encourage you to target a minimum of $50 million to adult literacy and basic education programs as part of any economic stimulus package brought to Congress for action.

An estimated 30 million adults in the U.S. can barely read and write. There is a higher rate of unemployment in this group than in the general population. Many work in low-skill and low-paying jobs. Of the one million jobs lost this year, many were these low-skill jobs. For many of the unemployed, training for higher-skill jobs will require learning the fundamentals of reading, of writing, and of speaking English.

Local adult literacy and basic education programs are committed to preparing these adults for work. Many community-based programs offer workplace literacy services and partner with community groups to get people working. But thousands of adults are already on waiting lists for tutors and teachers, and demand is likely to grow as jobs become scarcer.

$50 million in funding for these programs is just a modest increase. It would support just 62,500 new learners at an estimated $800 per student for a year of literacy instruction. Failure to provide even this minimum level of extra funding will cost local, state, and federal governments more in unemployment and public assistance benefits, health care costs, and increased crime rates.

I applaud any action that helps individuals get back to work, but action that does not include funding to help adults gain the skills they need to access new jobs is woefully incomplete.


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