April 16, 2010
Please plan to join CLA, the California School Library Association, and your fellow Library Advocates for Day in the District on Friday, April 16th 2010!
This year, our Associations will schedule visits with legislators in their local district offices throughout the state. These Day in the District meetings will provide a great opportunity to educate your legislators and their aides about the importance of libraries within their respective jurisdictions.
About Day in the District
Day in the District is an annual statewide library advocacy event in which library supporters meet with elected officials within their local offices throughout California.
If you are interested in helping set up legislative meetings, please contact Kevin Kilkenny, CLA Legislative Coordinator, at 916-233-3298 or kevink@cla-net.org. Otherwise, click here for information on how to register for an appointment with your legislator.
Helpful Documents
Below are a list of documents will assist you in delivering your message about the importance of libraries within elected officials' respective communities:
~ Register for an Appointment with Your Legislator~ Talking Points
~ Tips for Lobbying Your Legislator
~ Funds by Assembly District
~ Funds by Senate District