Press Enterprise: 1.13.2015 by Penny E Schwartz
Dottie Podolak, adult literacy coordinator at A.K. Smiley Public Library in Redlands, learned from a recent phone call that the program has lost one of its students.
“She had met her goals and gotten a full-time job, so she no longer needed our services,” Podolak said. “It was wonderful to speak with her because setting and meeting goals is the reason why we are here.”
Podolak is the first paid coordinator of the program, hired part-time in November to support long-time volunteer coordinators Katherine Gifford and Trudy Waldron. Podolak works a 20-hour week organizing and doing assessment and tutor training.
“I have stepped into a solid program that I see no reason to change,” Podolak said. “I hope to strengthen the program by providing more resources and to help it grow in computer knowledge, which is so basic to the literacy skills needed today.”
To that end, the program will offer a computer literacy class later this month for tutors and learners now participating in the program. READ MORE !