Dear Paige Turner, Planning Ahead
My learner and I will be taking some time off from tutoring due
to our families’ summer plans.
How can I encourage him to keep reading and learning while we are
on a break for a few weeks?
Dear Planning Ahead,
It’s not too early for you and your learner to create a summer learning calendar to confirm any plans for
time off from your tutoring sessions due to summer activities or vacation plans. You can add special learning opportunities
and events to your calendar that you and your learner may want to explore, such
as the special Summer Reading
activities and events at your library,
fun travel activities to use while traveling, and other special events in your
community. (Blank calendar templates can
easily be found online to create your own summer learning calendars.)
Don’t forget to check out the special (and always popular) summer
programs at your library! Special events
and activities make for an extra special summer that can take you around the
world, or travel through time, or to make believe places...all without ever
leaving home.
You and your learner can also create your own summer reading
challenges, such as trying an online reading adventure with e-books and other
fun online resources available through OC Public Libraries
If you and/or your learner will be taking a vacation, consider
some fun ways to keep reading and writing until you get back together. You can
send each other short greetings on post cards or through emails, or keep a
summer journal to remember and share new reading or writing challenges.
There are also maps to explore, brochures to read, and photos to
share, all of which are great sources for reading and writing when you both
reconnect at your tutoring sessions in the library, or enjoy at home with
family and friends as you share your summer adventures.
Remember, the LEA is an all season learning tool!