with Pitzer College’s Community
Engagement Center and funded by the Weingart
Foundation, Professor Kathleen S. Yep initiated a partnership with Literacy for Allof Monterey Park (LAMP) starting fall 2009. LAMP was founded in 1984 with
funding by the California State Library and through the efforts Michael Eng.
College students provide LAMP students citizenship coaching, covering
aspects of the citizenship exam ranging from history and government facts of
America to dictation of specific English sentences and mock interviews.
addition, the Claremont College students offer English-As-A-Second-Language
tutoring. Lastly, college students take Asian American Studies classes
alongside LAMP students that involve social autobiography and other forms of
critical pedagogies. Co-taught with artist/educator/activist Traci
Kato-Kiriyama, a spring 2011 combined class created poetry, an anthology, and a
web site.
college students and LAMP learners distributed over 60 free copies of their
anthology and gave a reading at a public presentation with over 100 people in