Sunday, December 6, 2020

Riverside Public Library ▬ Welcome to the Literacy Program

Welcome to the Riverside Public Library’s Literacy Program

Through RPL's Literacy Program, trained volunteer tutors provide one-on-one tutoring to English-speaking adults who want to improve their reading, writing and computer skills.

The Literacy Program is for English speakers. The library does not offer ESL courses.

Interested in becoming a Tutor?

The library is always looking for bright motivated people to serve our community as tutors. Please call (951)826-2238 to get started.

Interested in becoming a student?

Adults can improve their reading, writing and computer skills through our Adult Literacy Program. Adults are carefully matched with trained volunteers and usually meet with their tutors weekly to improve their reading skills. English-speaking adults that read below high-school level should call us at (951)826-2238 or visit our office for more information. We strongly recommend that participants meet weekly with a tutor, and set aside additional time to practice at home.  READ MORE ➤➤

SPC. Jesus S. Duran Eastside Library
4033-C Chicago Ave
Riverside, CA 92507

Readability Consensus
Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 9
Reading Level: fairly difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 13-15 yrs. old
(Eighth and Ninth graders)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Long Beach Library ▬ New LB Reads' Article Club

New LB Reads' Article Club

LB Reads

Long Beach Public Library: 12.01.2020

The new LB Reads' Article Club invites adult learners to join our virtual meeting where we'll learn about national and international events with easy-to-read news stories and fun activities.

Our club meets the first Saturday of the month @ 10AM.

El Club de Noticias de LB Reads los invita a aprender inglés leyendo sencillos reportajes sobre acontecimientos nacionales e internacionales, además de divertidas actividades.

El club se reúne cada primer sábado del mes a las 3 pm.

LB Reads

is a one-on-one literacy tutoring program that aims to help English speaking adults improve their reading and writing skills so they can reach their potential as workers, parents, community members, and lifelong learners.

If interested, please contact, the Volunteer Services Librarian by phone at (562) 570-7500 or by email at


Readability Consensus
Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 11
Reading Level: difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 15-17 yrs. old
(Tenth to Eleventh graders)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Southern California & Statewide Literacy & Library Events ▬ December 2020

Southern California & Statewide Literacy & Library Events

December 2020

Literacy & Library Events & Conferences
- Local, California and National –
Southern California Library Literacy Network
for more information
Southern California & California

Christmas Book Flood Iceland


Dec. 19      Burbank Library Writer's Workshop OnLine 11a
Dec. 05      International Volunteer Day
Dec. 07      Letter Writing Day
Dec. 10      Human Rights Day
Dec. 20      Poet Laureate Day
Dec. 21      Crossword Puzzle Day
Dec. 21      National Short Story Day (UK)
Dec. 24      Jolabokaflod Christmas Book Flood Iceland

Nov 1–Dec 15          Jewish Book Festival JF Greater SGPV VIRTUAL

Sunday, November 29, 2020

SCLLN Literacy Library Tutor Training Calendar ▬ December 2020

SCLLN Literacy Library Tutor Training Calendar

December 2020

For Local, California and National
Literacy or Library Conferences and Events
Southern California Library Literacy Network

Christmas Book Flood Iceland Dec 24

Dec. 03      Adult Literacy Tutor Orientation South Bay Literacy VIRTUAL
Dec. 21      Adult Literacy Volunteer Orientation Corona Library 7p

Altadena Library Complete a self-paced, online training module
Chula Vista Library Mondays @ 6p Wednesdays @10a
LAPL Adult Literacy volunteers receive 7 hours of Online Instruction
Santa Fe Springs City Library Complete an online training course

Local Tutor Workshops

Always Scrolling in the Right Frame

Friday, November 27, 2020

Redlands Library ▬ Redlands Community Invited to Use Adult Literacy Resources

Redlands Community Invited to Use Adult Literacy Resources

The Cell Phone Lot

Smiley Library Blog: 10.04.2020 by Diane Shimota 

Generous donors and grantors have enabled the Redlands Adult Literacy Program to acquire a wide selection of literacy materials that are available for checkout by anyone in the community. These materials may be helpful to students who want to improve their reading and writing skills, and adults who want to improve their English literacy skills. You are invited to peruse the adult literacy collection at A. K. Smiley Public Library where you will find: fiction and nonfiction stories, biographies, abbreviated classics, graphic novels, audio books, and workbooks that enhance learning for those who are working to improve their literacy. Literacy books are written with themes that appeal to adult readers, but with grammar and vocabulary that make the books easy to understand.

The adult literacy collection includes contemporary stories that are available to everyone regardless of their reading level. The Gemma Open Door Series books are quick and easy to read. One of these books, The Cell Phone Lot by Greta Gorsuch, was chosen by the adult learner book club for their November selection. The book is a story about a young woman who lost her job and found herself unable to pay her bills. This resilient young woman found a way to generate income by working for a ride-sharing company. Through this new endeavor, she built relationships with people she met as they waited for riders at the cell phone lot.


The pandemic has not slowed down adult literacy activities. If you are interested in becoming a tutor or if you would like help in reading and writing, please call Diane Shimota, adult literacy coordinator, at 909.798.7565, ext. 4138, or email her at The literacy program is free to all participants. If you have any questions about the adult literacy collection, please call or email the adult literacy coordinator.  READ MORE ➤➤

Readability Consensus
Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 11
Reading Level: difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 15-17 yrs. old
(Tenth to Eleventh graders)   

Friday, November 20, 2020

Huntington Beach Library ▬ Tutor Tip: YouTube Travel Videos

Tutor Tip: YouTube Travel Videos

Literacy Volunteers HBPL

Literacy Volunteers HBPL:

Using short YouTube travel videos is a great way to have a conversation and practice writing.

Start the lesson by asking your learner to watch a video prior to your meeting time, or watch it together on Zoom. Afterwards, talk about what you each saw in the video.

Then, practice writing!

Both you and your learner, independently, hand-write what you took away from the video, what was new, what you enjoyed, where you’d like to travel... Focus on putting ideas down on paper, not so much about spelling or grammar.

Last, read your sentences to each other person.

Literacy Volunteers HBPL is recruiting for adult volunteer tutors to assist other adults increase their English literacy skills.

Do you have a couple of hours a week to volunteer? Want to help someone read and write better than they do now? Join our volunteer team and help an adult gain skills to get a better job, help their children, read medical information and more.

All training will conducted online via Zoom, and all tutoring will be done online at this time. Workshops for both Central & Oak View programs start soon, so don’t delay!

Even though current conditions prevent you from meeting your adult learner face-to-face, you CAN help someone reach their goals. Begin your literacy volunteering by completing the online Tutor Orientation tutorial today.

We have two programs, the Adult Literacy Program at Central Library (714) 375-5102 and the Oak View Literacy Program at the Oak View Branch Library (714) 375-5104.

We always need tutors!

Readability Consensus
Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 8
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 12-14 yrs. old
(Seventh and Eighth graders)

Thursday, November 19, 2020

California Library Association ▬ Budget Ask Letter 2020-21

California Library Association Budget Ask Letter 2020-21

CLA: 11.07.2020

October 27, 2020

Dear Governor Newsom,

On behalf of the California Library Association (CLA), the statewide association
representing city, county and special district libraries, I would like to thank you for your past support of public library programs in the State Budget, and for your talented leadership as the State navigates the challenges brought about by the coronavirus. As you are well aware, the 2020 pandemic has exposed tremendous areas of community needs for students, homebound seniors, and our library patrons who now find themselves out of work. One of the true bright spots of the crippling pandemic has been the work of California's public libraries in providing critical community services.

However, California's public libraries are offering these programs on a razor thin margin, which is simply not sustainable. To that end, CLA respectfully requests your consideration of budget relief funding for the following programs under Section 6120 of the California State Library, as you craft your 2021-22 State Budget. (These requests are listed in priority order.)

1. Restoration of the cut to the California Library Services Act - $1.75 million "ongoing"

The California Library Services Act has been in existence since the early 1970's, with the sole purpose of requiring that libraries participate in a cooperative and collaborative manner of sharing resources among the nine geographic regions of the state. The CLSA funding is truly the glue that holds the cooperative loaning and lending structure in place for these libraries. At its origination, this program was intended to provide reimbursement for books and materials traveling by van in between libraries, for patrons requesting specific items that their own neighborhood library may not possess. While libraries still continue to move physical items between jurisdictions and branches, now CLSA dollars are often used for large digital subscription services, such as eBooks and eMagazines to promote a broader collection of digital resources for libraries which aids
students with homework, vulnerable populations who can't get to the library, and
people learning new skills for workforce development.

Since March, libraries have seen their eBook use nearly double. Libraries are partnering with schools to provide age appropriate eBooks for homework help in the absence of school library electronic collections. Within San Mateo County, 14 school districts have partnered with the public libraries for eCollections for their students, and public libraries are issuing thousands of library cards to students through these partnerships.

2. Lunch at the Library- Ongoing or one-time funding - $1.25 million

For many years, CLA has worked with the State Library on the successful "Lunch at the Library" program where children who are in need of a meal during the summer months, can receive their lunch at the library. Almost 220 public libraries provided nearly 300,000 meals to more than 32,000 children in 2019. Lunch at the Library has a dual purpose of promoting literacy and addressing the "summer slide," where library staff offer programs and books to children while food is served in a non-judgmental setting for children and, in some cases, their parents. However, the impact of COVID-19 and the need for quality meals for the student population this year was staggering.

3. Zip Books - One-time funding: $750,000

CLA was grateful to you for including $1 million in your January 2020-21 State Budget for "Zip Books," a program which features an innovative way of providing books and materials to patrons who, for various reasons, are unable to physically get to a local library to obtain their desired item. The program is based in 327 public libraries and was able to serve 45,000 people, focusing on those who are in rural communities and underserved residents.

4. Career Online High School - One-time funding - $750,000

Over the course of the last few years, public libraries and the State Library have assisted 793 adults in their efforts to complete a high school diploma using an online program called, "Career Online High School." Twenty-eight counties in the state currently utilize this life-changing program, which enables adults to obtain their diploma and move on to post-secondary degrees (which cannot be done with a GED) or various career paths. A high school diploma has significantly better outcomes than a GED, and with  this online program students who may not be able to get to a regular classroom, or who work irregular schedules, can benefit.  READ MORE ➤➤
Readability Consensus
Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 14
Reading Level: difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 21-22 yrs. old
(college level)