Friday, May 28, 2021

Paragraphs: Give Us a Break! ▬ Teach Write

Paragraphs: Give Us a Break!

Teach Write: 1.17.2018 by Jennifer Laffin

I’d like to try a little experiment. Please read the following two passages.

   Passage #1:

   Passage #2:

Now that you've read both passages, think about the following questions:

➤ Which passage was easier to read? 

 Which passage was easier to understand? 

 How did you feel after reading both passages?

If you are like me, you found the second passage easier to read and understand. Why? Because it had paragraphs.

Using paragraphs correctly is an important skill for all writers because it makes the reader’s job much easier and more pleasant.

Paragraphs exist to give the readers’ eyes a rest and a few seconds to process what they’ve read before they start the next line. Paragraphs signal that a change is coming.

 They tie common sentences together in one neat little area.

 Readers expect them. Readers need them. When they are missing, it is noticed.

 But how do writers know when to start a new paragraph?

Use the New-New Rule:


Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 6
Reading Level: easy to read.
Reader's Age: 10-11 yrs. old
(Fifth and Sixth graders)


Saturday, May 22, 2021

Camarena Library ▬ Tutor Spotlight: Kimberly Valenzuela

Camarena Library Tutor Spotlight: Kimberly Valenzuela

Camarena Library
Adult Literacy


Q: How has your experience been so far as a tutor?

A:  My experience so far has been really good. I enjoy helping people learn new skills that they can use to achieve their personal goals. Itis also a very rewarding experience being part of a learner's progress through the ALS program. It is such a good feeling hearing back from my learners on how they implement the skills they learned in their daily lives.

Q: Give three reasons why being a tutor might influence an adult member in your community struggling with literacy skills.

A:  Whether it is reading the morning newspaper, applying for a job, or communicating with doctors, a tutor can help a learner achieve these goals. Another reason is by prioritizing their needs in a one-to-one setting. Sometimes it is difficult to keep up in a class with 20 other students with different goals, while working with a tutor focuses on the learner’s individual goals, level, and pace.  READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 9
Reading Level: standard / average.
Reader's Age: 13-15 yrs. old
(Eighth and Ninth graders)

Adult Literacy Services

These services are offered to adults, 16 years or older who are not enrolled in school, who would like to improve their English reading skills. One-on-one tutoring is available upon enrollment in the program. Volunteers from the community help other improve their English reading and writing skills in this program.

Call the library at (760) 768-2170 or email us at to set up an appointment.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Altadena Library Official Honored by California Library Association ▬ Pasadena Now

Altadena Library Official Honored by California Library Association


Pasadena Now: 5.13.2021 by Brian Day

An Altadena Library District trustee has been awarded the California Library Association’s President’s Award for her contributions to libraries and literacy, the library announced Thursday.

Katie Clark, who serves as president of the Board of Trustees, has been named the recipient of the honor, the Altadena Library District said in a written statement.

“[She] is a central leader in the community of Altadena whose vision and tireless commitment to libraries have created a legacy of long-term, positive impact that will provide critical library services for Altadena for decades to come,” the statement said.

The CLA President’s Award recognizes “outstanding contributions, leadership, and achievement in support of California libraries by a Trustee, Friend, Elected Official, or other layperson who has given his or her time and talents to further the advancements of California libraries,” the statement added.  READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 17
Reading Level: very difficult to read.
Reader's Age: College graduate

Monday, May 17, 2021

Governor Newsome Releases “May Revision” OF 2021-22 State Budget ▬ News from the Capitol

Governor Newsome Releases 
“May Revision” OF 2021-22 State Budget

Save CA Public Library
News from the Capitol: 5.14.2021 by Mike Dillon & Christina DiCaro, CLA

Governor proposes $50 million for library construction and funding for library broadband projects

This morning Governor Gavin Newsom held a press event in order to present his “May Revision” of the 2021-22 State Budget. The “May Revision” process allows Governor Newsom the ability to update his January Budget to reflect the April (or in this case, May) tax receipts and federal funding allotments. In the May Revision document the Governor released this morning, it states, “The May Revision stands in stark contrast to the budget of one year ago. Compared to a projected budget deficit of $54 billion a year ago, the state now has a projected $75.7 billion surplus. Combined with over $25 billion in federal relief, this supports a $100 billion California Comeback Plan – a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to not only speed the state’s recovery from the pandemic, but to address long-standing challenges and provide opportunity for every California family – regardless of their income, race, or ZIP code.”

Included in the proposals for public libraries under the State Library Budget are the following items:


Library Infrastructure – An increase of $50 million in one-time General Fund for an equity-focused matching grant program to support local library infrastructure.”

Broadband Access – An increase of $35 million one-time General Fund available through 2024-25, to expand broadband access to isolated and under-served communities through a collaborative partnership of local education agencies, regional libraries, and telehealth providers and leverage available federal funds through the E-Rate Program.

Broadband Capacity and Equipment Grants – An increase of $6 million one-time General Fund to support the Broadband Connectivity Initiative.


English as a Second Language – An increase of $15 million one-time General Fund to support English as a Second Language programs offered through local libraries.”

Online Tutoring – An increase of $6.4 million one-time General Fund to support a two-year pilot online tutoring service program.”


Assistive Technology – An Increase of $1.6 million one-time General Fund and $220,000 ongoing General Fund to support Assistive Technology for Visually Impaired Californians.

Today’s announcement from Governor Newsom comes on the heels of the recent announcement by the Senate Democrat Caucus that they are seeking $1 Billion for public library infrastructure (new builds, renovation/remodels, etc.), plus a public library broadband connectivity component in this year’s State Budget, as well as a funding proposal to help public libraries eliminate patron library fines.  READ MORE ➤➤
Readability Consensus
Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 15
Reading Level: very difficult to read.
Reader's Age: College graduate

Thursday, May 13, 2021

Huntington Beach Library ▬ National Library Workers Day

National Library Workers Day

Literacy Volunteers
Huntington Beach

Literacy Volunteers HBPL: 4.06.2021

April 6, 2021, is National Library Workers Day (NLWD), a time to recognize library professionals for their expertise and leadership skills in transforming lives and communities through education and lifelong learning. The day also reminds the public that library workers serve as community compasses that lead users to endless opportunities for engagement, enrichment, and development

For #NationalLibraryWorkersDay, we're highlighting the incredible humans who work at Huntington Beach Public Library. This post features one of our librarians, Amy Crepeau!

When I was a child, some of my favorite books involved libraries and librarians and I think that is where my interest began. I remember reading All of a Kind Family and how important library books were to the sisters and the chapter when Sarah lost her library book--the librarian was so compassionate. There were so many examples like this and some, unfortunately, where librarians were the opposite of compassionate but people telling how important libraries were to them inspired me. Beyond that, I love libraries! Programs, storytimes, books, computers, literacy, study space, free to use, people from infants to seniors coming through our doors everday…sign me up! In 2009, I finally decided to go to graduate school to earn my MLIS and the feeling of accomplishment I had in May 2016 when I walked across that virtual stage was far more than earning either my high school or college diplomas.

I have worked at HBPL since April 15, 1997.

I have worked in literacy until March 2021 and the best part was working with amazing learners and volunteers from Huntington Beach and seeing people accomplish important things like reading with their children, getting a better job, passing the driver’s test or becoming U.S. Citizens. It was constantly inspiring and people were so grateful to the library.    READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 13
Reading Level: difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 18-19 yrs. old
(college level entry)

Literacy Volunteers Huntington Beach

Becoming a Literacy tutor at either Central or Oak View starts with the successful completion of Tutor Orientation. Learn all about our program, adults who come to us, and much more.

There will be three (3) places to submit answers.

Once we receive notice you have completed orientation, we will contact you with the next training dates.

If you have questions  call the Central office at 714.375.5102, or Oak View at 714.375.5104.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Redlands Library ▬ Redlands Caught Up In ‘Charlotte’s Web’ For 2021 Community Read

Redlands Caught Up In ‘Charlotte’s Web’ For 2021 Community Read

Redlands Adult Literacy
Redlands Daily Facts: 4.16.2021 by Diane Shimota, Adult Literacy Coor-A.K. Smiley Library

The Redlands Adult Literacy Program has named the classic story “Charlotte’s Web,” written by E. B. White, as its 2021 Community Read.

Charlotte’s Web

“Charlotte’s Web” is a story that speaks to all generations with its themes of friendship, life, death and the power of words. The Community Read offers the opportunity for parents and children, readers who have read “Charlotte’s Web” or are new to the story, book club members and others, to experience the book’s message in a new way, particularly as we reflect on all that has occurred in the last year.

Guillermina Rangel, an adult learner enrolled in the Redlands Adult Literacy Program, is reading “Charlotte’s Web” for the first time. She observed, “I just love Wilbur, how innocent he is and his determination to learn. I also like Charlotte, who is very well educated, patient and compassionate towards Wilbur. To me, she is like a very dedicated teacher.”

To enhance the reading experience, a Charlotte’s Web activity guide has been posted on the Adult Literacy website. The guide includes a history of the author and the book’s illustrator, Garth Williams, as well as vocabulary, discussion topics, and activities for people of all ages.  READ MORE ➤➤

Based on 7 readability formulas:
Grade Level: 10
Reading Level: fairly difficult to read.
Reader's Age: 14-15 yrs. old (Ninth to Tenth graders)

To learn more, join us at a Zoom Tutor Orientation.

Please call the Redlands Adult Literacy Program office at 909.798.7565 to sign up for the Orientation or if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Saturday, May 1, 2021

Southern California & Statewide Literacy & Library Events ▬ May 2021

Southern California & Statewide Literacy & Library Events
May 2021
Literacy & Library Events & Conferences
- Local, California and National –
Visit the
Southern California Library Literacy Calendar

May 01      Choose Privacy Week
May 01-9   Bay Area Book Festival VIRTUAL
May 03      Children's Book Week
May 03      Teacher Appreciation Week
May 04      Teacher Appreciation Day
May 07      CATESOL Spring Conference VIRTUAL
May 11      California Library Association Conference VIRTUAL
May 11      Deep Dive CLLS Values & Essentials Part 1 VIRTUAL 9:30a
May 11      Deep Dive CLLS Values & Essentials Part 2 VIRTUAL 1p
May 13      Free Online ESL Classes - USA Learns VIRTUAL 11a
May 13      Renewing Library Volunteerism . . . VIRTUAL 1p
May 13      Tutor Ready Writing Videos . . . VIRTUAL 1p
May 13      . . . Return of Traveling Library: A Popup Literacy VIRTUAL 2p
May14       Tutor Ready Writing Videos . . . VIRTUAL 11a
May 14      . . . Learner Leadership Peer-to-Peer Mentoring VIRTUAL 11a
May 14      Free Online ESL Classes - USA Learns VIRTUAL 12N
May 14      The Value of Literacy Services in Your Library VIRTUAL 1p
May 14      Wee Connect:  Family, Friends & Neighbors VIRTUAL 1p
May 25      Health Literacy Conference IHA VIRTUAL